general liability
giving you peace of mind as you grow your business
General Liability (GL) coverage is your basic coverage for claims against your business. Day in and day out, your business takes risks when they interact with clients, their property, or on projects. We understand that no two businesses are the same which is why we work with you to make sure that your policies are custom-tailored to your exact needs. Our team will work together with our wide variety of specialty carriers that will provide you with the coverage that you need in your daily operation to make sure that you can go about your business with peace of mind.
Most businesses need general liability coverage to protect themselves against:
Lawsuits, investigations, and settlements
Medical damages, attorney fees, and injury damages
Abuse coverage for liability
Some of the key factors that will go into determining your business' liability quote will be:
Prior Loss History
Industry Experience
Annual sales and payroll
Number of employees
Square footage
Details about your products or service​
Additional Coverages To Consider
General liability is your starting point for protecting your business, you can enhance a basic policy with additional commercial liability insurance options, known as endorsements, that meet the specific needs of your business. Below are some of the common additional coverages that our clients will need to best protect their business.​​​
Liability Insurance
(Errors & Ommissions)​
Employment practices
Liability Insurance
Director & Officers